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Monday, October 20, 2008


Everybody wants this. Everybody loves that. Should I want this? Should i love that?

I never imagined myself be slaved of others wants. I will never be me if i will di their desires. My purpose is to improve myself to help others and not to be ignorant of my own skills and talents. Other's wants may hinder my growth and I could no longer play the song composed in my heart. They may say that I will be developed but should I rely on them and be dependent on what foundation I have with them?. Somehow, yes if and only if your desires met mine, but if not, how could it be? You may seem be developed and/or empowered but are you sure that it is you? This circumstance blinds you of what is true. You were boxed and what you only believe are the things you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch inside the box. You cannot reach the outside world world that which is true. You are free, you seem free to do everything you want inside that box but the truth is you're not.

Man is never be an individual if they were alike. Each of us is unique, you could never be unique if you imitate. Ther should be that quality which differs you from others. that unique in you creates a genius you. Don't be afraid to be discriminated by the people around you. Take risks and be free. Trust what is in you, never doubt it and never fear the consequences. Consequences are always present whether it is planned or accident. Of course, you have to think the consequences that may occur and you should know your limitations. "I will stand here for humanity, and though I would make it kind, I would make it true." Believe in whatever abilities you have, in whatever feelings occur in you, it will bring you to your desires, just do it carefully and it will bring you to the true you.

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